DJI brings on leading drone lawyer Brendan Schulman
Posted by Adele Scholl on 7/18/2015 to
DJI, the world’s largest drone company, has hired lawyer Brendan Schulman as its vice president of policy and legal affairs.
Like many players in the emerging drone industry, DJI is undergoing rapid growth, but regulations and negative public opinions surrounding drones could hinder its future.
Like many players in the emerging drone industry, DJI is undergoing rapid growth, but regulations and negative public opinions surrounding drones could hinder its future.
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Drone maker 3D Robotics sees the future, and it is apps
Posted by Adele Scholl on 7/17/2015 to
SAN DIEGO -- What separates a drone from a smartphone? Well, other than the fact that your iPhone can't fly (yet), drones don't have an equivalent app store.
At least not for the moment, says Jordi Munoz, co-founder of the largest US commercial drone operation, 3D Robotics.
Consumers Energy Looks at Drones to Help Monitor Power Lines
Posted by Sheena Haydon on 7/13/2015 to
Energy launched an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) near a Jackson County
electric substation on June 22, 2015, to help determine whether the
emerging technology can improve how the company serves Michigan
residents. U.S. Sen. Gary Peters talks with Mary Palkovich, Consumers
Energy’s vice president of energy delivery, at the launch site.
Band of drones can play music better than your average human
Posted by Royce Rabanal on 7/3/2015 to
You've never heard Strauss performed quite like this. The team at KMel
Robotics has assembled a band of hexrotor drones that "have taken up new
instruments to play some fresh songs." That "fresh" description isn't
exactly serious, as each of the three pieces performed date back either
multiple decades or hundreds of years. After kicking off the
three song setlist with "Also sprach Zarathustra," the drones move on to
"Carol of the Bells" and close with "The Star-Spangled Banner." And the
end result sounds surprisingly great.
Seal Beach first city in Orange County to use drone to monitor shark activity
Posted by Royce Rabanal on 7/1/2015 to
SEAL BEACH >> With a rise in juvenile shark sightings along the
coast of Surfside beach this spring, Seal Beach lifeguards are using
the latest technology to protect swimmers.
The Seal Beach Marine Safety and Lifeguard Department is the first city in Orange County to monitor shark activity through use of a drone, or more specifically, the DJI Phantom 3.
The Seal Beach Marine Safety and Lifeguard Department is the first city in Orange County to monitor shark activity through use of a drone, or more specifically, the DJI Phantom 3.
Posted by Royce Rabanal on 6/29/2015 to

Flytrex Sky: a Drone That Will Bring You The Keys You Left at Home
Posted by Adele Scholl on 6/28/2015 to
How would you li
ke a drone that you can send over to Grannie’s house for
a daily dose of her good old fashioned brownies? Flytrex Sky promises
just that. It is the world’s first cloud connected consumer drone with
delivery capabilities operating on its revolutionary cloud based Sky

Drone to Fly Autonomously Inside Fukushima Reactor
Posted by Adele Scholl on 6/24/2015 to
A drone is being developed to survey the inte
rior of reactor buildings at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 plant. The unmanned aircraft will use lasers to detect and avoid obstacles in flight and will be able to land to replace its batteries in the absence of an operator.

Alaska researchers study sea otters with unmanned aircraft
Posted by Adele Scholl on 6/16/2015 to

University of Alaska Fairbanks scientists conducted two field studies to see if unmanned aerial vehicle cameras at various altitudes can take high-resolution photographs of beaches at low tide and hover above sea otters without disturbing them.